Tantra Yoga

Tantra teaches us to express life in the most beautiful way. It acts as a re-calibrating system; it leads us where we need to go. Tantra is a whole spectrum, a philosophy; a way of approaching life with all its ups and downs. Therefore, tantra is not limited to what we do on the mat.

In this particular tantra yoga style (kaula system) students are encouraged to keep their eyes closed during the practice. This will allow them to not externalizing the experience and not be distracted by the external world.

By practicing tantra yoga we aim at achieving a state of meditation during and between the asanas. Students are guided through the class, but the teacher does not interfere with their experiences. Cueing and adjustments are mainly made verbally so everyone can listen to the own body and mind. This approach makes it possible to accept the own abilities and practice according to one’s own limits and strengths. One of the approaches in traditional tantra yoga is:

 “Yoga does not happen when you squeeze, but when you relax“

Benefits of tridosha series (tantra yoga)

  • Balances your three doshas (Vata, Kapha, Pita) – like balancing your hormones

  • Emphasizes on the pranic system (energy system)

  • Enough time between the asanas allow body and mind to rest and relax

  • The practice is slow and gentle

  • Looks easy and not challenging at all, but as you practice from a state of relaxation, it is very powerful nevertheless

  • It is suitable for beginners and more experienced asana practitioners alike